2年前の今日6月2日、フロリベー・チェベヤ(Floribert Chebeya)という著名なコンゴ人の人権活動家が殺害されました。人権活動家、ジャーナリストや野党がどんどんコンゴ国外に亡命する中、彼はコンゴに居残り、政治的にセンシテイブな情報を収集したために殺されてしまったのです。大変勇敢で正義に満ちた彼の死は、人権に携わっていないコンゴ人や外国人にとっても、ショッキングな事件でした。
明日6月3日、早稲田大学のTEDカンファレンスで、”Does aid REALLY help refugees?” というタイトルでスピーチをするのですが、チェベヤ氏などといった犠牲者を減らすためにもImpunityについて触れます。考えてみると、特に意識しているわけではないのですが、私の講演の内容は必ずImpunityになってしまうのですよね。。。世界最悪の紛争地・コンゴ東部にいた時、毎日この問題に直面していたので、その深刻さを知っていること、そして日本でimpunityの問題が深く議論されていないから(戦後日本のことはされているが、現在のアフリカについてはほとんどなし)、特に若者に知らせる必要があると痛感しているためです。人道支援や紛争地の現実の理解に、少しでも役に立てれば嬉しいです。
GENEVA, May 21 (UNHCR) – UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres on Monday deplored the killing of a UNHCR staff member in Goma, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rocky Makabuza died on Saturday in the North Kivu provincial capital after sustaining gunshot wounds to his stomach in an attack at his home by unknown assailants on Friday night.
Rocky, who was aged 38, was a field safety assistant for UNHCR at its office in Rutshuru, north of Goma. He was taken to hospital after the shooting, but died of his wounds. Neither the identity of his assailants nor the motives for the attack have been established.
"I deplore the shooting of a colleague and offer my sincere condolences to his family. We do not know who is responsible for Rocky's death or why they attacked him. I hope that the authorities will do their best to investigate the incident and bring those responsible to justice," said Guterres.
Rocky had been working for UNHCR since 2009. He is survived by his wife and three children.
His death comes at a volatile time in North Kivu, where fighting in recent weeks between government forces and renegade troops has forced large numbers of people to flee their homes, with thousands seeking shelter in neighbouring Rwanda and Uganda.
- ツチはコンゴにおいて、差別されてきた少数民族であること
- ンタガンダ氏はCNDP(ルワンダ政府が支援しているコンゴの元武装勢力。現在は表面上コンゴ政府軍に統合された)のメンバー全員にコンゴ政府軍に統合するように動員し、またコンゴの和平に貢献したこと
- 2002年コンゴ北東部で起きたことは、(紛争ではなく)ツチに対する(現地ではヘマと言われる)「虐殺」であったこと。
- このような対ツチへの悪行為は現在も続き、様々なアクターがンタガンダ氏をコンゴの軍人というよりツチとして注視していること;そして、
- ンタガンダ氏が逮捕されると、コンゴ東部や大湖地域の状況が悪化すること
彼らが母国に自由に帰国できるように、単に物資的や精神的な支援だけでなく、上記の不処罰といった、腐った構造を一から変えることをしなくてはなりません。国づくりや復興への協力の際に、reconstruction やrehabilitationという言葉が使われていますが、re(再)というパッチワークのような業務をするのではなく、最悪の場合、まず既存の構造やシステムを破壊することから始めなくてはなりません。国家主権の問題になるから国際社会はそこまでできないと言われそうですが、難民や亡命者のことを考えると、そこまでやる必要があるのでは?でないと、ますます難民、亡命者や移民は増え、失業や経済格差が生まれ、社会への不満がたまる一方になるかもしれません。これはもちろん日本の政治体制にもあてはまることです。(まとまりのない文章になったことをお詫びします)
1996-7年のコンゴ戦争の際に、ルワンダ政府軍やコンゴ反政府勢力(ルワンダやウガンダが支援)が市民や難民に対して「虐殺」に値する行為を行ったという内容の国連報告書Mapping Reportが、2010年10月に公表されました。この報告書は「虐殺」という単語を使用したために、世界(日本を除く。。何とも情けない。。)で大きな話題になりました。ルワンダ虐殺以降、急スピードで復興・開発に力を入れ、ルワンダは「アフリカのサクセス・ストーリー」と称賛されるようになったのですが、この報告書はそのイメージに打撃を打ったことになります。
昨日(3月14日)コンゴの武装勢力元指導者、トマス・ルバンガ(Thomas Lubanga)被告に有罪評決が下されました。1999-2003年のコンゴ大戦の際に、15歳未満の子どもを戦闘要員として徴集し、利用した罪が問われていました。国際刑事裁判所(ICC)で公判が行われたのは2002年設立以来初めてでしたので、アフリカの人権問題をほとんど触れない日本のメディアもさすがに報道しました。
大変喜ばしいことですが、10年間で一人しか評決されていないことを考えると、これから戦争犯罪人が何人評決されるのかと心配です!その前にそもそも逮捕されるのかという基本的な問題もあります。上記のルバンガ被告は単なる「プチ戦争犯罪人」であり、彼以上の戦争犯罪の責任者は多数いるのです。その一人がボスコ・ンタガンダで、このプログでも数回紹介しましたが、彼がルワンダのカガメ大統領と連結しているとNew York Timesに明記されています。ただしその関わり方に関する詳細は書かれていませんが。。。
当然のことですが、プチ戦争犯罪人一人を評決してもコンゴと周辺国に戦争の責任者や戦争の構造が残っている限り、状況は全然変化しないどころか、ネットワークが時間と共にグローバル化し、悪化することもあります。Global Peace Index 2011によると、平和でない国のランキングに ソマリア、イラク、スーダン、アフガニスタン、北朝鮮に次いで、コンゴは6番目にランキングされています。
2006年の選挙中や選挙後も同様なことが起きていましたが、それは首都キンシャサでとどまっていました。今回は有力候補者で人気者のチセケディ氏(78)が出馬しているため(前回は不正が多すぎて出馬しなかったと言うが、今回も不正が報道されている)、彼が選挙に負けたら、全国で暴動が起きると言われています。経済学者のPaul Collierが貧困国における選挙はdemocracyではなく、demoCRAZYをもたらすと言っていましたが、本当にその通りです!
- ヒューマンライツウォッチによると、11月26日―28日の間に起きた暴動で少なくとも18人が殺害され(ほとんどのケースが、カビラ政権の守衛が野党の支持者に向けたもの)、100人が重傷を負った。
- コンゴ北東部において、ウガンダ反政府勢力のLRAが投票に行ったコンゴ人3人を殺害した。
- 投票所によっては、28日の投票開始の時点で、既に投票箱が「(投票用紙で)詰まっていた」り、投票用紙等が不足したり、有権者リストに名前がなく投票ができず。
- 「ニセ」の投票所も数か所あった。
- 大統領の各候補者11人の選挙キャンペーンの放送時間に偏りがあった。カビラ大統領の放送時間は全体の86%に比べて、他の候補者は7%、3%、1%等。
このような状況なのにもかかわらず、African Union(AU), Southern African Development Community (SADC), Economic Community of the Central African States (ECCAS), International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)の監視団は「コンゴ人の意志や高い投票率に感謝している」という共同声明をだしたんですね。Carter Centerの監視団も「平和的な投票」と褒めたたえました。呆れますね!European Unionの監視団の声明は、かなりの辛口で批判していました。すばらしい!
コンゴ 選挙を前に緊張高まる
11月27日 23時23分大規模な内戦が続いたアフリカ中部のコンゴ民主共和国で、大統領選挙が行われるのを前に与野党の支持者が衝突し、緊張が高まるなか、国連のパン・ギムン事務総長は、27日、声明を発表し、双方に自制を求めました。
うーん、日本政府は、選挙の教育用マニュアルが平和の定着に導くと本気で考えているのでしょうか。そもそも出馬している候補者に問題があるのに、公平で透明性の高い選挙は100%期待できません。先日もブログで紹介しましたが、今回は387人にレープを犯したことがある民兵のリーダーといった候補者を紹介しましょう(Al Jazeera)。コンゴでは「不処罰文化」があるから、犯罪者が簡単に出馬できるんですね(このような不処罰文化があるのはコンゴだけでなく、日本もそうなのだが。。。)。そしてもう一つの記事(南アのSAPA)には、南アでコンゴの大統領選挙の投票用紙が印刷されたのですが、その投票用紙が在南ア・コンゴ人の間で配布されているという内容です。
Al Jazeera: Wanted Congo rebel leader holds public rally
Ntabo Ntaberi Sheka, accused of orchestrating mass rape campaign in DR Congo, stages election rally as police look on.
Crowds gather to hear Sheha address an election rally in eastern DRC [Azad Essa/Al Jazeera]
Walikale. Democratic Republic of Congo - A national assembly candidate charged with organising the mass rape of 387 people has staged a campaign rally in the eastern Congolese town of Walikale.
Ntabo Ntaberi Sheka, running for one of two seats in the Walikale district of the North Kivu province of the DRC, held the rally on Thursday in full view of police, the Congolese army and within three kilometres of a UN peacekeeping base.
Sheka leads a faction of the Mai Mai armed group operating in the surrounding rainforest and an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity has been issued by Congolese prosecutors over his alleged involvement in the mass rapes across 13 villages in the Walikale district in mid 2010.
Standing on an abandoned flat bed trailer lying in the centre of the town, and dressed in blue military-style fatigues, aviator sunglasses and a green straw hat, Sheka told Al Jazeera that he was not a military commander, but a politician, trying to protect the interests of his people.
"If I am guilty of all of these [rape] crimes, why then are all these people here to support me?" he asked, standing between amid a phlanx of bodyguards.
Sheka, when probed about the probability of arrest, said that "the people" would come to his rescue and defend him in the event of authorities acting on the warrant.
"Just you try it [arrest me] and these crowds will beat you," he said
Human rights groups have condemned Sheka’s participation in this year’s election and called for his immediate arrest.
Anneke van Woudenberg from Human Rights Watch told Al Jazeera that it was "outrageous that Sheka could simply walk into Walikale in full view of the police and hold a rally".
Van Woudenberg said that the very fact that Sheka is standing in the elections with such severe charges lodged against him, brings together the vast myriad of problems facing the DRC, including impunity, blood minerals, the proliferation of weapons and gender violence.
Sheka might just be one of 19,000 candidates vying for 500 legislative seats, but his inclusion is symbolic of the scant regard for the rule of law.
"His participation in the elections and continued freedoms do little to end impunity and won’t bring peace to the country," she said.
Sheka was named in a UN report released in July 2011 that documented the rapes of at least 387 civilians in a devastating rampage of violence between July 30 and August 2, 2010. The UN alleges that Sheka's Mail Mai faction were one of three armed groups directly involved and Sheka was one of the leaders with command responsibility.
The crowd took over the city centre, blocking the main street beneath the old, fractured town hall as supporters and passerbys, climbed trucks and searched for a close up view of the proceedings. Despite the rain, hundreds gathered with enthusiasm, some under colourful umbrellas standing in puddles of mud, as Sheka went to address them.
"You have to forgive us," Sheka said, “We are coming from the jungle and don’t have the loudspeakers to address you.
“I am the president of the political wing of a militia group … and we will solve your problems,” he said to wide applause.
Support for Sheka in Walikale is chequered, with locals mostly unwilling to openly speak about their political alliances, fearing reprisals. A local source explained that many residents still see Sheka as defending the community from marauding foreign fighters from Rwanda.
But a local teacher from Walikale told Al Jazeera that Sheka had caused enough damage to people’s lives and that he would not support him, while a mobile phone vendor sitting just metres from rally said that Sheka ought to be apprehended for his crimes.
‘Cannot be traced’
Earlier, Sheka emerged from a set of red stonewalled buildings behind a school and marched in the rain with around 100 of his fighters, carrying rocket-propelled grenades and AK 47s into the town. His supporters promptly joined the march singing songs and beating plastic containers in a bid to create a ruckus ahead of his address.
The rally came after days of confusing events that left UN and political analysts speculative of the shifting relations between the Congolese army and Sheka's Mai Mai faction.
On Wednesday, Jonathan Chuma, Walikale’s sector commander, told Al Jazeera that Sheka had entered the town and was in the hands of government forces, but clarified that “he was not under arrest” despite the warrant.
Sheka's rallies have attracted hundreds of people ahead of the elections[Azad Essa/Al Jazeera]
Chuma provided no other details and asked Al Jazeera not to film around the school complex which fed further speculations of ongoing negotiations between the two sides.
When approached on Thursday at the school complex about Sheka’s whereabouts, Chuma said that the rebel leader had "disappeared" and that they "cannot trace him".
But within an hour, Sheka emerged from the complex, and marched with his entourage of fighters and supporters into town.
The rally continued despite the torrential rains that continue to swamp the eastern DRC. Poorly built sand tracks are flooded, and the UN was forced to cancel flights on Thursday due to poor visibility.
The UN stabilisation mission MONUSCO are racing against time to transport election material to offices across the country, after materials arrived late in Kinshasa.
Walikale, a remote region with North Kivu in the eastern DRC is considered one of the hotspots during these elections as government forces and armed groups continue to battle it out in the forests. The region is known for significant gold, diamond deposits, attracting rival groups to compete over territory.
The DRC is scheduled to hold its second presidential and legislative election since 1960 on November 28. Joseph Kabila, the incumbent president is tipped to be re-elected though analysts are warning that key opposition candidates Vital Kamerhe and Etiene Tshedekedi should not be underestimated.
Sapa: DRC 'ballots' doing rounds in Johannesburg
South Africa has emerged as a key part of the battleground for the November 28 elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) -- from the printing of ballot papers (some of which appear to be on the streets of Johannesburg) by Robert Gumede's 4 Rivers Trading company -- to the provision of air support by the South African National Defence Force for the delivery of the ballot papers.
DRC opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi, was in the country for three weeks in November, while agreements between DRC President Joseph Kabila and President Jacob Zuma for the Grand Inga Dam project were signed just ahead of the highly-contested elections.
Through a spokesperson, Gumede, the controversial billionaire businessman who has been embroiled in a legal battle with the department of home affairs over a R2-billion tender, said he could not speak about the printing of the DRC ballots because of "signed confidentiality agreements".
But a source close to 4 Rivers Trading confirmed the company won the tender to print the ballots on November 4. They were printed in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.
Although the source would not reveal the cost of the tender, the DRC's 2006 ballots, which were also printed in South Africa, by Ren-Form, was $50-million (R400-million). But those elections were on a smaller scale than the present one.
This year, 32-million registered voters will make their mark at more than 63 000 polling stations to vote for 11 presidential candidates, including Kabila and Tshisekedi. There are also more than 18 000 parliamentary candidates who are running for 500 National Assembly seats, which means some of the ballot papers consist of 56 A4 pages. The overall cost of the elections has been reported to be $1.2-billion.
It seems that some of the ballot papers are in the hands of members of the Congolese community in Johannesburg. The Mail & Guardian has seen two presidential ballot papers and two pages of the National Assembly ballot papers, which appear to be authentic. But attempts to confirm their authenticity with the Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante, the DRC electoral commission, were not successful by the time of going to print.
The DRC ambassador to South Africa, Bene M'Poko, dismissed the possibility. "The reason we came to South Africa to print the ballots is because we trust the country's security," he said. "No one will have that ballot paper at this point, not even the chairman of Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante or me."
He accused Congolese citizens distributing what he termed the "fake ballots" of working for Tshisekedi to tarnish Kabila's name.
Vincent Tohbi, the Kinshasa head of the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa, said the electoral commission appeared to be "doing their best" to deploy the materials. But he understood that, although all the ballot papers should have been in the DRC by Thursday afternoon, many would not have reached some of the more remote areas. Friday was the deadline for all material to be delivered to their stations.
"The serious logistical challenges of the electoral commission are the same as they were from the start," said Tohbi.
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Lindiwe Sisulu, who visited Kinshasa last weekend, told the M&G that South Africa was not aware, until last Sunday that the DRC electoral commission was struggling. "When we got here we realised that they have bigger problems. They can't transport ballots to 210 sub-hubs from the 13 hubs that South Africa was asked to deliver to."
The defence force deployed seven aircrafts this week, in addition to the four that were already on the ground, to assist with transportation.
While Tshisekedi was in South Africa, from October 21 to November 10, he held an "economic summit", which was hosted at the Rosebank Hotel by a group called Africanised. A source close to the Tshisekedi camp in South Africa confirmed that the veteran opposition leader also met Mathews Phosa, the ANC treasurer. But attempts to reach Phosa and to get confirmation from both the department of international relations and the ANC were unsuccessful.
Some are questioning the timing of an agreement to kick start the estimated $8-billion to $10-billion Grand Inga Project on the Congo River, which has been under discussion for years. It was finally announced on November 11, the day after Tshisekedi left the country to return to the DRC.
和訳する時間がないために、AFPとRadio Netherlandsのニュースをそのまま下記に添付しました。
Afp: DR Congo scrambles to get ready for polls
KINSHASA — Four days from elections that some analysts doubt it can pull
off on time, the DR Congo was rushing Thursday to overcome the challenges
of crumbling infrastructure and a territory two-thirds the size of western
Monday's presidential and parliamentary polls are only the Democratic
Republic of Congo's second since back-to-back wars from 1996 to 2003, and
the scars from those conflicts -- together with the country's massive size
-- mean election officials face a raft of logistical headaches.
The election commission has set itself a Friday deadline to deliver 186,000
ballot boxes and more than 64 million ballot papers to nearly 64,000
polling stations, in a country of 2,345,000 square kilometres (906,000
square miles) -- 77 times the size of former colonial ruler Belgium.
Commission chief Daniel Ngoy Mulunda said he is confident his team can make
the deadline, with the help of 80 aircraft hired from private companies as
well as the combined support of the United Nations, South Africa and
"The objective is to reach 100 percent of the voting sites by November 25
at the latest. We think that with the combination of different means of
transport and all the systems we've put in place, we'll make that
deadline," Mulunda told journalists Wednesday.
But as recently as 10 days ago, Mulunda's top deputy said organisers could
need more time.
"If we're not ready, we'll ask for a few days and hold the elections on
December 2 or 5," said Jacques Djoli, vice president of the National
Independent Election Commission (CENI).
The sheer size of the task is daunting.The DRC has 32,024,640 registered
voters, up from 25 million at the last polls, in 2006. CENI has responded
by expanding the number of voting stations to 63,865, up from some 55,000
in 2006.
The number of candidates is also a record: 18,835 contesting 500 seats in
the national assembly, up from about 9,600.
In Kinshasa alone, there are 5,491 candidates for 51 seats. One of the
capital's four constituencies has a 56-page ballot.
There are 11 presidential contenders, down from 33 in 2006.
In a bit of good news, Mulunda announced Wednesday that all the ballot
papers had arrived from South Africa, where they were printed.
But in a country with a crumbling and limited road network, getting them to
polling stations is a challenge -- not to mention the ballot boxes
themselves, which were made in China and, at one metre (yard) tall,
resemble giant trash bins.
The budget for the entire election cycle -- single-round presidential and
national assembly votes Monday, plus local, provincial and senate elections
in 2013 -- keeps growing, and currently stands at $1.1 billion (823 million
Amid the logistical chaos, the CENI has faced accusations of fraud.
A leaked report by Belgian company Zetes, contracted by the government to
issue biometric voter cards, said there were hundreds of thousands of
"ghost voters" on the register, mainly in strongholds of incumbent
president Joseph Kabila.
The Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) -- the party of Etienne
Tshisekedi, Kabila's top rival for the presidency -- also accused the CENI
Wednesday of creating "fictitious" polling stations.
"There has been a systematic fraud organised in massive fashion," UDPS
secretary general Jacquemin Shabani told journalists, saying more than half
the stations don't exist.
The CENI denied the allegation.
"When there's a polling station that's in the wrong place on the map, it's
not an attempt to cheat," said Mulunda.
Radio Netherland: DRC elections: money talks
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), there are more than 18,000
candidates competing for 500 parliamentary seats, in the November 28
legislative elections. Two business-minded housewives in the capital,
Kinshasa, have found a lucrative way to profit from the situation.
“In the beginning, we wanted to understand why there were so many
candidates in the legislative elections. We thought it was important to
approach those candidates, talk to them and offer to organise a meeting
with their potential constituency”, explains housewife Naomi Tambaram, who
is outspoken and highly inquisitive.
Turning necessity into virtue
With their dynamism and popularity in their locality, Naomi and her friend
Zeta have managed to gather a large crowd for the meetings of a dozen
candidates in the Yolo-North neighbourhood.
“We do not only gather the people. We talk to the candidates beforehand and
give them a few tips on the type of speeches they should deliver. We know
whether or not the audience supports the opposition, therefore we guide the
candidates to ensure that they win the hearts of the people”, the women
Sardou Lumbu, a parliamentary candidate, has used the organisers for his
campaign. “Due to the limited means we received from the party, we were
advised to work mostly with family members, friends and any influential
individuals we knew. I organised two meetings with such influential people,
hoping that their influence will earn me votes in the polls”, admits
Sardou. “I know that many people who come are undecided over which way to
vote, but one should bear in mind that a beautiful speech always wins
votes”, adds the parliamentary candidate.
The price of support
On 28 November, voters in the Funa constituency in Kinshasa will elect 12
representatives, from a pool of 1,150 candidates, to stand in parliament
for the next five years. These voters are aware that the candidates are
prepared to do whatever it takes to wins their votes.
“When a candidate wants an audience of 50 people, for example, he or she
should provide t-shirts, drinks and most importantly hard cash (a little
over 3 Euros per person) for the participants. Moreover, I have to entice
the people with gifts, otherwise no one will come”, explains Amos Kabongo,
a teacher who earns between 38 and 75 Euros from each meeting he organises.
But a large turn out at candidate meetings does not necessarily translate
into votes, especially as the organisers use gifts to draw in the crowds.
“I’ve been to three meetings. Of course, the gifts are always welcome, but
I attend the meetings for entertainment. I haven’t chosen a candidate yet,
but whenever there is a meeting somewhere in the neighbourhood, I go and
listen to a potential member of parliament. It allows me to make a better
choice because we get to ask the candidates questions”, explains Dechris,
who manages a telephone kiosk.
There is no denying that as the elections draw closer, DRC presidential
candidates will do whatever it takes to improve their chances, even if it
means breaking the piggybank.
3.先週末から、国内・海外のメデイアによる有力な野党党首のチセケディ氏【78歳】へのバッシングが悪化しています。彼は、モブツ政権とも長年闘い、国民にも人気者です。メディアはカビラ大統領を保護しているのが明らかで、中立的な報道はしているとは思えません。例えば、チセケディ氏が「自分は大統領である」と宣言したり、「刑務所にいる政治犯を解放するために、48時間内に刑務所を破壊するように」と国民への呼びかけたのですが(実際に破壊はしていないが)、ICC(国際刑事裁判所)でさえ選挙関連の犯罪を起訴すると脅しています。そもそも政治犯が独裁的に逮捕されていること自体おかしいことですが、その説明は現政権からありません。チセケデイ氏の行為が「口頭の暴力」としてバッシングがされているのですが、なぜ同様のことをカビラ政権に対してしないのでしょうか。人権活動家やジャーナリストを数名殺害したという「悪意の行為」の責任者であるはずなのに! それだけでなく、選挙関連の犯罪であれば、カビラ大統領もかなり関与しています!野党党首らが国内で選挙キャンペーンをするため、飛行機で地方を回らないといけないのですが、飛行機の着陸の許可書を現政権がボイコットしています。
November 10, 2011
The New York Times
NAIROBI, Kenya — First, Cmdr. Ntabo Ntaberi Sheka ordered his militia to join an attack on a group of villages in eastern Congo, where the fighters gang-raped at least 387 women, men, girls and boys, according to a United Nations report of the atrocities.
One of the candidates in Walikale is accused in a mass rape.
Now he wants the villagers’ votes.
Commander Sheka, who is wanted by the Congolese government for his involvement in the 2010 mass rape, in the Walikale area of eastern Congo, is one of the most vivid symbols of Congo’s lingering insecurity and impunity as the country prepares for its second general elections since the end of its civil war.
Even with an arrest warrant hanging over his head, Commander Sheka, the leader of the Congolese rebel group Mai-Mai Sheka, is running to represent Walikale in Parliament.
More than a week into the campaign season, violence and controversy are bubbling up. Many analysts expect President Joseph Kabila to win another five-year term in a relatively peaceful vote on Nov. 28, though he has lost a lot of support in the country’s troubled east. Beyond that, logistical delays and a suppression of human rights are endangering the process, the United Nations says.
“The kind of intimidation, threats, incitement, arbitrary arrests and violence that we have documented is unacceptable,” the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, said Wednesday in conjunction with a report on the election.
Much of Congo’s ballot materials, papers printed in South Africa and China, have yet to arrive.
One of Mr. Kabila’s leading challengers, Etienne Tshisekedi, has lingered in South Africa as well. On Monday, he referred to himself as “president” in an interview with a Congolese television station and called on the government to release his jailed supporters.
“Or else I will call on fighters across the country to break down prison doors and release their comrades,” Mr. Tshisekedi was quoted as saying.
The African Union has grown worried over Congo’s election, with the group’s chairman, Jean Ping, visiting the capital, Kinshasa, this week and calling for peace leading up to vote. Political violence has already erupted in different corners of the country.
In Kinshasa last week, armed men opened fire on campaign representatives for Mr. Tshisekedi. In the southern city of Lubumbashi on Saturday and Monday, his supporters clashed with another opposition party, leaving more than a dozen people injured. And in the eastern city of Goma last weekend, gunfire broke out after a popular musician singing campaign songs for the opposition was abducted and his fellow ethnic Hunde protested.
“The vote will be subject to much greater local variation, depending on the popularity of local leaders, priests and customary chiefs, who are allied to different political parties,” making the outcome “difficult to call,” said Jason Stearns, an author and Congo analyst.
“The election will be very close,” he added, with “a high probability of urban unrest.”
Congo’s election includes a number of dubious candidates, some suspected of being criminals. One presidential candidate, Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, is a former rebel leader whose militia carried out a massacre at a hospital and the surrounding area in 2002 during Congo’s civil war. The fighters slaughtered any patient who looked to be from the Hema and Bira groups, killing more than 1,000, according to Human Rights Watch. After the war, Mr. Nyamwisi became Congo’s minister of regional cooperation.
Another candidate is François-Joseph Nzanga Mobutu, the son of the former dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, who was overthrown in 1997.
As for Commander Sheka, he is one of about 19,000 candidates for Congo’s National Assembly, the lower and main chamber of Congo’s Parliament. Commander Sheka, listed as a “trader” on Congo’s election Web site, is one of 65 running in Walikale.
“Congolese authorities should be arresting Sheka for mass rape whether he is running for office or not,” Anneke Van Woudenberg, senior Africa researcher for Human Rights Watch, said in a news release. “The failure to arrest someone who is out publicly campaigning for votes sends a message that even the most egregious crimes will go unpunished.”
Despite numerous peace treaties and reconciliation with neighboring Rwanda, Congo faces widespread instability and a vacuum where a governmental presence is lacking. There may be no symptom of the country’s struggles quite like Congo’s rape epidemic, a chilling example of which took place in Walikale.
Between July 30 and Aug. 2, 2010, Commander Sheka’s troops, along with two other rebel groups, moved through 13 villages in Walikale, raping hundreds of villagers, including children and elderly women, and abducting 116 people.
Congolese authorities supported by the United Nations tried to arrest Commander Sheka in July while he was spending the night at the home of a friend in the Congolese Army in Goma, Human Rights Watch said, but he escaped, apparently after he was tipped off. In September, he registered as an independent candidate for the National Assembly.
“We were a bit surprised when we heard about Sheka’s registration as a candidate for the National Assembly,” said Hiroute Guebre Sellassie, the top United Nations official in North Kivu Province, where Walikale is located. According to Congolese law, Commander Sheka would be immune from prosecution if elected, Ms. Sellassie said, but that “does not mean that he is not going to face justice at one point,” arguing that immunity could be lifted.
Congo’s elections, particularly the presidential race, may be a barometer of how well drastic geopolitical changes in Africa’s Great Lakes region have been received in Congo, especially concerning Congo’s relationship with its neighbor Rwanda.
Mr. Kabila won the 2006 presidential election almost entirely on votes from eastern Congo, where he is from and where he has remained popular for his nationalistic and confrontational stance against Rwanda during years of tension between the nations.
But in 2009, Mr. Kabila invited Rwandan troops into Congolese territory to help root out Rwandan rebels in the area in exchange for renewed diplomatic relations, leading many in eastern Congo to believe that Mr. Kabila had betrayed them.
Still, a constitutional amendment passed this year says that a candidate does not have to win more than 50 percent of the vote to be elected.
“The big difference between the last elections and this year’s is one of motivation,” said Mr. Stearns, the Congo analyst. “Kabila has lost a lot of his support in the east, his voting base during last elections,” but “he has been able to stitch together a strong network of influential leaders and has been able to divide the opposition vote.”
10月30日14:40~17:10@広島修道大学 5号館・6号館
報告:佐々木和之(Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences)
2つ目は、ワシントン・ポストの“Congo’s rule by the ruthless”(冷酷者が支配するコンゴ)という記事で、法の正義(justice)と責任ある政府の重要さを訴えています。コンゴ軍のンタガンダ将軍(元武装勢力の指導者)について書いていますが、彼は上記のルバンガ容疑者同様に、ICCに起訴されているにもかかわらず、コンゴ東部のゴマ市内のシャレ・ホテルで夕食をとり、カリブ・ホテルでテニスをするという優雅な生活を送っています。私は2007-8年にUNHCRでゴマに勤務していたので、どちらのもホテルもよく知っているのですが(キブ湖に面したきれいなホテル)、その頃も違った戦争犯罪人(ローラン・ンクンダ氏)が同じホテルに宿泊していました。
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