Japanese and English version
- なぜ東電と日本政府は「正しい」情報を国民に公開しないのか(これに関するデモが東京で行われ、外国メデイアは報道したが、私が知る限り日本のメデイアは報道していない)。
- (日本政府は原発や放射能の専門家はいないのでなかなか決断が下せないかもしれないが)、なぜ東電は日本政府に「適切に」ガイドしないのか(もちろん意図的であるが)
- 大変リスクの高い作業員の扱い方があまりにも粗末ではないか。
- 原発付近の住民が「放射能を浴びてきている」と思われて、避難地で差別されている(このようなことは許されない!)。
- 避難所で性的暴力が起きている(しかも被害者は小学生低学年!避難民が発生するところー例えばコンゴやハイチーは必ずこの事件が起きますが、もちろん日本も例外ではありません)
- 妊婦や乳幼児が未だに原発半径30キロにとどまっていること。なぜ80キロに避難しないのか。
- これだけ原発のリスクの理解度が浸透されているのにもかかわらず、なぜ東電はフランスに福島原発用の核燃料を要請したのか。なぜ日本政府は自然エネルギーへの転換に関する政策が提言・決定されないのか。
- そしてなぜ人間はエゴが強い、醜い動物であるのか。
「今のところ言えるのは、現在の測定値を云々するよりも、プルトニウムは半減期―2万4千年、そして現時点において絶えず24時間放出され続けていることです。つまり、一旦外に出たら、ほぼ永遠になくならず、しかも現に増えているということです。この状態を一日も早く止める必要があります。方法はひとつしかありません。分厚いコンクリート等で全面的に負い、封鎖することです。なぜ日本政府はこれを進めていないのか。推測ですが、 Chernobylと同じコンクリートの塊を残せば、これは本当に第二のChernobylだという印象になり、また原子力は人間、特に日本の技術者がコントロールできない技術であるという印象を残すことになるからです。こうなれば、原子力はFINISHEDとなります。
As I wrote previously on my blog, “anger” is considered to be something negative, not good mentally, however, it can be productive and necessary for social reform. Now it is the time to show that anger. In particular, the students and the youth (including myself!), who are to lead Japan and the world in the future are encouraged to do so to assure our safety, health and lives. Of course in non-violence form!
Following the news concerning the nuclear plant and radiation, don’t you get upset or have doubt? Below is the list of facts and questions which makes me irritated:
- Why cant TEPCO and Government of Japan share the “correct” information to the citizens? (there was a demonstration on this in Tokyo last Sunday reported by the foreign media but not by the Japanese media);
- (although it is understandable that Government cannt make a decision due to the lack of expert on nuclear plant and radiation at the government level), why cant TEPCO guide appropriately the Government of Japan (obviously this is done on purpose);
- Those residents living close to the nuclear plant, who are considered to receive heavy radiation, are discriminated at displaced places by other displaced persons (this should not happen as these residents have nothing to do with the incident);
- Sexual violence taking place at the collective displaced shelters (and the victim is a primary school pupil! in any internally displaced person situation such as in the DRCongo and Haiti, there is a high prevalence of sexual violence, but this takes places in Japan equally);
- Why are those small children and pregnant women still kept within the radius of 30km from the nuclear plant instead of being evacuated outside the radius of 80km?:
- Despite the fact that the high risk of nuclear plant is well understood presently, how can TEPCO request France to send nuclear fuel to supplement the Fukushima nuclear plant? Why cant Government of Japan make a policy to convert all energy into natural energy? and;
- How egoistic and ugly human beings are.
- The treatment of those workers at the nuclear plant is very poor;
The list can be never-ending…
Finally, let me add the comment by my friend's (Sayaka Funada-Classen) partner who wrote that Government of Japan is a criminal (I wrote previously that GoJ is a human rights violator…)
"Instead of commenting on plutonium’s measure, we should rather focus on the fact that plutonium has been constantly discharged for that past 24,000 years and even now. In other words, once charged, plutonium doesn’t disappear and in fact is increasing. There is a need to stop this situation as soon as possible, and there is only one way to do so. Building thick concrete as a blockade.
Why the Government of Japan is not doing this? Because, according to my assumption, if you leave chunks of concrete as the Chernobyl case, that gives an impression of “second Chernobyl” and nuclear technologies cannot be controlled by humans, especially by Japan technology. This will lead to the end of nuclear power.
Why the Government of Japan is not doing this? Because, according to my assumption, if you leave chunks of concrete as the Chernobyl case, that gives an impression of “second Chernobyl” and nuclear technologies cannot be controlled by humans, especially by Japan technology. This will lead to the end of nuclear power.
The Government of Japan, which has strong ambition to continue selling Japan-made nuclear power plants all over the world, wants to send the msg to the citizens and the world that this serious incident can be controlled. This is a fatal misjudgment. Fukushima is a reckless nuclear power plant. Pollution will spread fast unless drastic measures are taken. There is an urgent need to begin the blockade strategy, and evacuate urgently those displaced persons outside the radius of 50km by force. The present measures are not only wrong, but is a criminal abandoning the responsibility of protect the citizens.”
Let us do whatever we can wherever we are!
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[10/08 バーバリー 激安]
[10/08 バーバリー]
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[02/14 Duedymmettamn]